Jake Brigance Series

On June 28, 1989, John Grisham published his first novel – A Time To Kill.

This introduced the world to defense attorney Jake Brigance and went on to become not only a much-loved novel, but also a popular film starring Samuel L Jackson, Matthew McConaughey and Sandra Bullock.

On this page you can find a list of all the books in the Jack Brigance series. The title of each novel links to a page where you can find out the following information:

  • When the book was published
  • A description of the story
  • An image of the novel’s cover
  • A link to the story on Amazon where you can read reviews or buy a copy

To see how these stories fit in with all his other novels, take a look at our complete list of John Grisham books in order.

Jake Brigance Series In Order

  1. A Time To Kill
  2. Sycamore Row
  3. A Time For Mercy
  4. Sparring Partners

Related Stories

  1. Ford County*

*Although this collection of short stories doesn’t include Jake Brigance, it’s set in Ford County where A Time To Kill is also set.